World travel notes

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World travel notes

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World travel notes

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Travel notes by country


Germany, shaped by an eventful history punctuated by bellicose episodes, is today a multi-ethnic melting pot resolutely focused to its future.


Reportages en Autriche
Austria may have preserved its folklore, but it does not refuse modernity: its architecture is evolving, its large cities vibrate to the rhythm of an intense nightlife and artistic life.


Reportages au Canada
The call of the Great North, in the footsteps of Jack London: become a gold digger, trapper, ranger, ranch owner, from Alberta to Nova Scotia, everything is possible in Canada.


Reportages en Espagne
Spain offers a diversity of landscapes, cultures, languages, regions and cities to suit all tastes. Come and meet its inhabitants because Spain is a country to be experienced.


Reportages en France métropolitaine
From the Palace of Versailles to the Eiffel Tower, from its gastronomy to its heritage, France is a country with variety, terroir and colorful inhabitants.


Reportages en Indonésie
The myriad of Indonesian islands stretching across two continents is the largest archipelago in the world and is steeped in many cultures and religions.


Reportages en Italie
There are 1001 reasons to discover Italy. Inheriting a past of more than 3000 years, Rome, Venice, Florence, Naples or Milan are the pages of an open-air history book.


Reportages au Japon
Japan surprises and baffles even the most open-minded visitor. The rich cultural heritage coexists in a strange and harmonious way with the latest technology.


Reportages aux Philippines
In the smiling archipelago, it is good to live at the rhythm of life, nature and the sun. More than 7000 islands between the China Sea and the Pacific Ocean make up this magnificent country.


Reportages en Suède
Famous for its northern lights, Sweden is made up of unique regions, from the plains and hills of the south to the incomparable archipelago on its west coast.

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Le Costa Rica

Lorsque vous atterrissez à San José, la capitale, vous êtes déjà dans l’ambiance. Celle d’un pays accueillant et tourné vers l’éco-tourisme mais aussi celle d’une culture vivante qui respecte l’environnement…

Des nuages menaçants annonciateurs d'un orage

Rome, Italie

Le printemps est une saison idéale pour visiter Rome, la capitale italienne. Même si l’on prévoit de rester 5 jours, il est nécessaire de bien sélectionner les lieux que l’on veut voir absolument tant la ville…

La louve romaine

Londres, Angleterre

Londres, ville cosmopolite par excellence, nous accueille pour 4 jours de visites et de découvertes, rythmés par la pluie fine, le célèbre fog anglais et un froid glacial. Mais quelle ville ! Traversée par…

Le London Bridge ou pont de Londres vu depuis le bateau
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