Travel notes from Canada, the escape to the Great North

A country where the magic of nature works again and again…

Canada has a taste of freedom that everyone can claim: nature still leaves plenty of space for dreams of adventure, in the wild prairie dotted with lakes or in the heart of majestic mountains that offer fabulous hikes.

From the Yukon to Quebec, from coast to coast as the motto goes, Canada is meant to be the El Dorado of the great outdoors, an ode to nature and purity, an invitation to go further. Its culture, shaped by the native Indians, the French and the English and more recently by all the immigrants from all over the world, has a unique character.

Second largest country in the world by size, Canada offers a diversity of landscapes that is simply incredible. It is a major destination for world tourism, with everyone seeing Canada as a place of freedom and tranquility, illustrated by the famous cabin in Canada, which one imagines on the edge of a lake bordered by tall fir trees, far from everything but close to nature.

Canada is a bit of magic that amazes with every look, every landscape, every animal, every season. From the northern lights to the multicolored forests of autumn, Canada enchants and invites you to come back again and again, until you don’t want to leave.

Our travel notes from Canada

Our photos from Canada

Video credits: Travel Alberta

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