Photos of the San Diego Zoo

600 species from all over the world

Oréotrague, petite antilope africaineSuricate en observationLe bus Wildlife AdventuresUne girafeLa Clivia Miniata ou lys de Saint-Joseph (fleur)Des dromadairesÉléphant vu de prèsDans les allées du zoo de San DiegoIguaneDe nombreuses espèces d'arbres et de plantesUn jaguarUn lion en train de dormirTori à l'entrée de la forêt tropicale du zooCoq-de-roche péruvienPiauhau hurleur, oiseau emblématique de la forêt amazonienneGuêpier à front blanc (oiseau)Un toucan caché dans les feuillagesTisserin safran (oiseau)Tisserin de Taveta le bec ouvertStournes luisants (oiseaux)Cordonbleu violacé (oiseau)Tisserin palmiste (oiseau)Le guêpier à front blanc vit en Afrique subsahariennePanda roux sur une brancheFourmilierOiseaux de paradisTortues des GalapagosGazelle de WallerOrang-outan au zoo de San DiegoOurs blanc en train de dormirJacana du Mexique en train de s'abreuverUn koala endormiFlamant des CaraïbesDes nyalas (antilopes)Dragon de KomodoPanda roux se léchant la patteSinge VervetÉtourneau de RothschildChat viverrinDendrobate doré, petite grenouille de la forêt tropicale humidePtilope magnifiqueCarpophage paulineCarpophage de MüllerTortue remontant à la surfaceVaran des sables (varanus panoptes)Trogon pattu (oiseau)Xipholena punicea (oiseau)Mante religieuse en plein repasMamba vert passant sur un congénèreBitis rhinoceros, vipère du Gabon de l'OuestSerpent-ratierSerpents atheris, de la famille des vipèresTéléphérique qui survole le zoo de San DiegoRomalea microptera (insecte)Scarabée sur sa branche

Located in the heart of Balboa Park, the San Diego Zoo is the most visited zoo in the United States, with over 4 million visitors a year. It is home to around 4,000 animals of more than 600 species on 40 hectares, including rare and endangered animals. The zoo is renowned for its natural (“cage-free”) habitats and conservation programs. Animals are housed in relatively large enclosures that replicate their natural habitat. The zoo also participates in conservation programs in partnership with organizations around the world.

Walking along paths, in aviaries and through bioclimatic zones, you can see cuddly koalas, reptiles of various shapes and sizes, birds, insects and large animals such as orangutans, lions, bears, tigers, elephants, giraffes, antelopes and more. Living in enclosures that are sometimes quite large – certainly larger than some traditional zoos – recreating their natural environment, the animals can sometimes hide in nooks and crannies. In addition, numerous observation possibilities have been designed for visitors. And don’t miss the arboretum and its collection of rare plants: the San Diego Zoo is home to no fewer than 700,000 remarkable plants!

The San Diego Zoo was visited on April 3, 2023.

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Some of the San Diego Zoo’s animals

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